Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Temporarily away...
Things have been hectic lately, so I won't be posting here for a few weeks. I'll be back, though.
Monday, January 24, 2005
The ACLU & their defense of your privacy
Or not. There's a letter going around various pagan groups from Anthony Romero of the ACLU, demanding that we hold President Bush to his inauguration promise to defend the constitution. He feels that we've lost our right to privacy under the Bush administration. Well, if you've contributed to the ACLU, you have:
The American Civil Liberties Union is using sophisticated technology to collect a wide variety of information about its members and donors in a fund-raising effort that has ignited a bitter debate over its leaders' commitment to privacy rights.And more here:
In a Dec. 28 letter, Catherine S. Travis, a lawyer who sits on the board of the A.C.L.U. affiliate in Oregon, recommended that the board consider suspending or removing Mr. Meyers and Ms. Kaminer, saying that they had violated their fiduciary responsibilities by talking to reporters about matters she called confidential. "Appropriate corrective action must be taken now to avoid further incidents that can only impede the organization's ability to meet the unprecedented challenges to civil liberties we face at this critical juncture," Ms. Travis wrote. Ms. Travis said in a telephone interview that she had not intended for her letter to be circulated beyond the board and therefore declined to comment on it. "I find this disturbing, this focus on internal governance issues when the organization is doing such important work in the protection of our civil liberties at a crucial junction in our history," she said. "I'd like to see the media looking at that."So it's "disturbing" to have someone looking into your practices, yet that's what the Arrogant Cheating Liars Union does.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
It's quiet .... too quiet
There's so much to say, but not enough time to write it down - as a small-business owner (in real-life) this is our busiest season. Yes, a Pagan and a Capitalist! Must-reads: Clarity and Resolve Powerline I can't even begin to say what I think about the person who did this.
Friday, December 10, 2004
Some things are worth fighting for:
From Baldilocks, her journey from nuclear munitions loader to (almost) Conscientious Objector to an incredible writer and patriot.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
This is scary...
MSNBC - Of mice, men and in-between:
In Minnesota, pigs are being born with human blood in their veins. In Nevada, there are sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human. In California, mice peer from their cages with human brain cells firing inside their skulls.
The most radical experiment, still not conducted, would be to inject human stem cells into an animal embryo and then transfer that chimeric embryo into an animal's womb. Scientists suspect the proliferating human cells would spread throughout the animal embryo as it matured into a fetus and integrate themselves into every organ.
No harm done? These are living beings we're talking about here, folks. I realize that most of the Pagan community is pro-choice when it comes to abortion, and they'll see nothing wrong with her statement since she's talking about a human baby, but I can guarantee they'll get all bent out of shape because animals are involved. They'd probably get a high-tech medical team together to do a mouse cesarean to save the life of the mouse. The human? Disposable. And If this doesn't send chills down your spine, then I don't know how you look yourself in the mirror every morning. - From The Daily SporkBut few scientists are eager to do that experiment. The risk, they say, is that some human cells will find their way to the developing testes or ovaries, where they might grow into human sperm and eggs. If two such chimeras — say, mice — were to mate, a human embryo might form, trapped in a mouse. Not everyone agrees that this would be a terrible result. "What would be so dreadful?" asked Ann McLaren, a renowned developmental biologist at the University of Cambridge in England. After all, she said, no human embryo could develop successfully in a mouse womb. It would simply die, she told the academy. No harm done.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Turn up the volume and watch this. From Clermont Yellow Ribbon, in Clermont County, Ohio
This site is dedicated to all the men and women of Clermont County, Ohio and across the nation who have served and are still serving their country not only in Iraq but all other foreign and domestic lands. Here, you can dedicate a yellow ribbon message to those men and women. Below you will find the listing of these brave servicemen and women. Some may still be missing in Iraq but they are all missed in our daily lives.